2015.09.15 10:41 "[Tiff] "bad file descriptor" if operating with lseek on filedescriptor given by TIFFFileno (Windows only)", by Andreas Romeyke

2015.09.15 13:52 "Re: [Tiff] "bad file descriptor" if operating with lseek on filedescriptor given by TIFFFileno (Windows only)", by Edward Lam

Hi Andreas,

I second Bob's suggestion. For completeness of the mailing list, I'd point out again that this is a known problem:




On 15/09/2015 6:41 AM, Romeyke, Andreas wrote:

I am using the filedescriptor returned by TIFFFileno() to make additional checks on a given TIFF. Under Linux the code works as expected.

But if I crosscompile the Libtiff and my program with MinGw using:

  ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32

(also CFLAGS=-DO_BINARY does not help)

the lseek() or the read() comes with errno "Bad file descriptor".

Could you point me how to fix that?