2024.03.22 09:37 "[Tiff] Motion: adopt RFC 1: Project Steering Committee Guidelines", by Even Rouault

2024.03.22 15:35 "Re: [Tiff] Motion: adopt RFC 1: Project Steering Committee Guidelines", by Larry Gritz


I'm not a vocally active member of this list and I don't think I've ever contributed a patch to the project, but I've been a heavy user of libtiff for over 30 years and have been the author of other widely used open source packages and products that use libtiff as a critical dependency.

I think this is a good move, and I have had the experience of a couple prominent open source projects I started transferring to be part of the ASWF (under the Linux Foundation) and part of that process was establishing a formal steering committee, procedures, regular zoom meetings, etc., much like you are doing now. I can say that this has been a very positive change for my other projects. So as somebody who has gone through this process and is happily on the other side, I offer congratulations and wish you good luck, I'm sure this will be a positive thing for the libtiff community.

Larry Gritz