2023.06.05 15:41 "[Tiff] 4.5.1 release soon", by Even Rouault

2023.06.07 17:37 "Re: [Tiff] 4.5.1 release soon", by Even Rouault

This issue (causing "Stack Overflow" in formerly correctly written applications) seems like it will be important for some applications. It certainly struck GraphicsMagick:


Yes, that's definitely annoying. The whole TIFFGetField/TIFFSetField API is hard to use safely. In an ideal world, we'd have a set of different signatures like TIFFGetFieldAsInt32(TIFF*, ttag_t tag, int32_t* retValue), etc. but I've the feeling that would be a significant work (especially if we want to be tolerant on using such a function to get uint8/int8/uint16/int16 values as well)

The annoying aspect of #575 is that it breaks in a patch release. One possibility would be to revert the tags added by the DNG update (possibly just #if 0 / #endif the declaration of the new tags) for 4.5.1, and re-enable it for 4.6.0.

@Su, would that be OK for you?

The suggested work-around caused the program to not work with older libtiff, and even the most recent release. I just put a fix into GraphicsMagick to solve that.

Can you point to the commit with your fix? That could potentially be interesting for others


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