2023.12.20 22:06 "[Tiff] EXIF tag writing fails starting with libtiff 4.5.1?", by Bob Friesenhahn

2023.12.28 19:25 "Re: [Tiff] EXIF tag writing fails starting with libtiff 4.5.1?", by Bob Friesenhahn


I am confident that the problem must be in this new code, which is written by a developer who has not worked with TIFF before. The developer has now updated his libtiff to 4.5.1 and is able to reproduce the problems. The code may be viewed at https://foss.heptapod.net/graphicsmagick/graphicsmagick/-/blob/branch/default/coders/tiff.c and is bracketed in 'EXPERIMENTAL_EXIF_TAGS' ifdefs.

If you are aware of a remedy, then it would be appreciated.
