1997.06.02 19:34 "pdf file conversion", by Russ Columbia

1997.06.02 22:55 "Re: pdf file conversion", by Doug Vander Wilt

Does anyone have a work-around or indirect method that might achieve an accurate .PDF-to-TIFF conversion??

Aladdin Ghostscript can, here's an example:

$ gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -sOutputFile=a.tif b.pdf -c quit

If it can't handle your PDF, try printing to a PostScript file first and use Ghostscript to rasterize that.

ImageMagick 3.7.7+ should also work:

$ convert b.pdf b.tif

Doug Vander Wilt
Honeywell MICRO SWITCH Division