2018.01.15 15:05 "[Tiff] Participation in code review and merging of GitLab merge requests", by Roger Leigh

2018.01.15 15:05 "[Tiff] Participation in code review and merging of GitLab merge requests", by Roger Leigh

Hello all, and (belated) Happy New Year,

For anyone who hasn't noticed yet, we've had a few merge requests opened against the new GitLab source repository over the last few days (https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/merge_requests). You can change your notifications on the main gitlab page (https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff) to "watch" and this should then notify you when activities like opening merge requests happen.

I've looked over and commented on the open merge requests, but if anyone else was unaware of the open merge requests and wanted to do likewise, this is just a heads up about that. If you alter the notification settings, you'll get them for new ones as they are opened.
