2024.02.03 15:00 "[Tiff] www.libtiff.org is restored", by Bob Friesenhahn

2024.03.15 18:34 "Re: [Tiff] libtiff | tiffcrop produces wrong output when 'raw' and 'rgb' parameters are used with jpeg compression (parameters have reverse effect) (#228)", by Miguel Medalha

>> I tested the YCbCr output cases and cannot reproduce the problem regarding wrong colors, so I conclude that was fixed already.
>> I did not test the RGB output cases as those did not seem to be at issue (other than the documentation part).

I would like to test it again but every attempt to use jpeg compression with tiffcrop gives the following error:

JPEGSetupEncode: RowsPerStrip must be multiple of 8 for JPEG.
out-raw.tif: Error, can't write strip 0. : Unable to write contiguous strip data for page 0.

The command line I used is the following:

tiffcrop -c jpeg:raw file-in.tif file-out.tif

tiffcp is now giving the same error, by the way:

JPEGSetupEncode: RowsPerStrip must be multiple of 8 for JPEG.