2024.03.12 19:27 "[Tiff] working through wontfix-unmaintained bugs", by Lee Howard

2024.03.15 00:08 "Re: [Tiff] working through wontfix-unmaintained bugs", by Lee Howard

IMHO tiffcrop is NOT maintainable!

It's not that hard. See:


Yes, for some really rare cases, an issue of tiffcrop could be solved by changing something in the LibTIFF.

Nearly all of the "uninitialized variable" reports using tiffcrop were actually about issues within the library which have been resolved already elsewhere within the library. Those were probably about a third of the total. tiffcrop was just a convenient tool for the researchers to use to get at the library.

The remaining issues within tiffcrop were mostly resolved with a straight-forward approach of checking the buffer size before looking at memory that was presumed to be in the buffer.

My proposal will be to reactivate and maintain only the tools needed by someone, especially those mentioned by you (fax2ps, tiff2bw, tiffdither, tiff2ps, tiff2pdf, tiffcp).

While HylaFAX doesn't use tiffcrop, it does not mean that tiffcrop is not extremely useful. Consider rotating TIFF images; tiffcrop does that among many other things. What purpose would there be in excluding tiffcrop from the other tools?

Just because some people don't use tiffcrop or find it necessary doesn't mean that there aren't others who do.

I'm still working through the list of "wontfix-unmaintained" issues. But, the ones remaining total 21 and are numbered #254 to #1. (I've been working through them in reverse order.) I don't imagine it will take me long to wrap it up. I've already gotten through 50 of them so far this week.

