2024.02.27 15:07 "[Tiff] Proposition for the creation of a libtiff project steering committee", by Even Rouault

2024.03.11 23:14 "Re: [Tiff] Proposition for the creation of a libtiff project steering committee", by Even Rouault


I've created a merge request to add "RFC 1: Project Steering Committee Guidelines" in the website, in https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/merge_requests/566

The content is heavily borrowed from GDAL RFC 1, with the main modification of changing from 2 business days to 5. Input from all is welcome. We'll also need a candidate for the chair position.

Once we are happy with the content, I guess it would make sense to adopt it with a unanimous vote (at least from the candidates) to give it a strong legitimacy.

Best regards,


My software is free, but my time generally not.