2024.03.12 19:27 "[Tiff] working through wontfix-unmaintained bugs", by Lee Howard

2024.03.12 19:27 "[Tiff] working through wontfix-unmaintained bugs", by Lee Howard

I'm working through the "wontfix-unmaintained" bugs now...


... and so far I've reviewed 7 of the tiffcrop issues (#595, 594, 593, 590, 573, 569, 568), and it appears to me that all of them have already been resolved sometime between the release of v4.5.0 and now. Two commits that appear to have been part of the solutions are 5320c9d8 on 2023-10-31 and 42173d6a on 2022-12-08 (which were for the library, generally, and don't necessarily appear to be specific to tiffcrop).

I'll continue through the rest of these, but is there anyone who believes that there is good reason to not consider that these issues are resolved already?

It kind of looks like maybe tiffcrop was just a convenient utility to access some libtiff inputs which previously went unchecked.

